Omri HurwitzJuly 10th, 2024

Lotan Levkowitz Joined Omri Hurwitz to Discuss The Deep Future and How We Shape It

Grove Ventures General Partner Lotan Levkowitz was interviewed by Omri Hurwitz for a special podcast focusing on his investment philosophy, his journey on co-founding one of the best VCs, the current climate, and how to shape the Deep Future.

‘At the beginning we saw many companies that we thought made sense, that had something good to offer, but just couldn’t find the right home, so we were happy to be a bit contrarian and to take on these projects. Then they worked great long term. So, our VC has a bit more of a risk appetite.’ says Lotan.

Lotan mentioned how the venture capital fund makes this work, by following its two core values: People First and Creating Value. Thus, it is essential to remember that it is always about creating value for the people, and that ‘financial value is a very good by-product of what we do for others’.

>> Click here to listen to the full podcast episode originally published on YouTube (Hebrew):

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